Why do we need to create sketch models? 

Sketch models help when we are wanting to show a quick representation of our 3D design, its a informal version of a presentation model, this allows us to show a rough idea of what the model would look when done in a more refined way. They help when showing clients several design ideas and also give the client a chance to change or add any extra details which they’d like included.

Being an Interior Designer we need to be able to work within an envelope of architecture and also to be confident with working in 3D, this task was to help become more confident within ourselves when it came to working in 3D design.

Ideas must be put to the test!

Thats why we make things!

Otherwise they would be no more than ideas.

Andrew Goldsworthy – Wes Franklin (1956) English sculptor and photographer- Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2015)

After a quick overview on sketch models, Rachel showed us a selection of buildings/furniture which she wanted us to recreate using paper, I was excited to begin this task because it would give me a chance to extend my knowledge on 3D model making.

The first piece of furniture which we had to recreate was the ‘Sign Chair’ designed by Piergiorgio Cazzaniga, this chair is very simple however when it came to recreating it out of paper it challenged me, I found that if I observed the image for a little while then I understood it further, which made it easier to grasp the right way in which I had to manipulate my paper to achieve the correct form. I found this first task slightly challenging however it got my brain working and allowed for the further tasks to be a little less difficult.

Piergiorgio Cazzaniga- Sign Chair
Piergiorgio Cazzaniga- Sign Chair

The second task was to recreate the Hotel Marqués de Riscal, designed by architect Frank Gehry, this building was influenced by the flow of wine and the difference between Red wine and White wine, this looked rather difficult, however when I recreated it I had decided to just follow a few main curves/ lines, this allowed for it to become a simple version of what the hotel looks like. I wasn’t very happy with this outcome as I found that it looked a slight mess, but I am happy with how I managed to achieve a few similar forms within the hotel.

Marques de Riscal Hotel

These first few tasks were mainly focusing on Architecture and furniture, this made us recreate what we already could see, however the following tasks we could use more of our imagination and create what we would interpret as architecture or an interior. This task made it rather simple for myself as it gave me the opportunity to design a sketch model which I would want as architecture and it also allowed for no wrong ideas.

For this Rachel showed us the painting by Piet Mondrian, ‘Grey and Ochre’. She wanted us to create a design which had been influenced by looking at this painting, for this I decided to follow the linear lines and the idea of very structured squares, this then allowed myself to begin creating a sketch model influenced by Piet Mondrian. I worked upwards as well and outwards to create small sections which could show individual rooms, I used the structure of the painting to work with, I took each separate segment and created a cube which was the same size and then placed this above, I designed a few more cubes which had similar dimensions to the squares within the painting and began working upwards to enhance the idea of a building.

I enjoyed this particular task as I could begin bringing my own designs into models, I would like to do this again but looking at different paintings which can influence different models.


For the final sketch model, we had to watch a video which was showing a skate boarder skating around, we could either choose to represent the skate park, the surroundings or the path which he took, I chose to look at his path, I chose this because it could create a very abstract and organic form because it is all curves and there are no structured lines within his movement.

I found this task very enjoyable because it made me analyse the video and the journey the skater took and what kind of movement, shapes, forms and lines he took, I noticed that a lot of his movement was organic which like I mentioned before this was very un structure and allowed me to create an abstract design which has no straight lines and only consisted of curves and flowing angles.


Following these tasks, I wanted to explore this further, I began looking more at artists paintings and forms within nature, I took inspiration from these and started creating more sketch models which allowed me to expand my knowledge and increase my capability in designing in 3D.

You can find my sketch models HERE.

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