After researching into Richard Chadwick and his work on interior sketches I wanted to know more on his personal views, I sent him an email with a few questions such as…

  • Where do you get your inspiration?
  • How did you develop your sketch style?
  • What excites you about drawing Interiors?
  • What types of Interiors are your favorite to sketch and why?

I chose to do this because I wanted to understand his work further and find out his views and personal perspective on visual sketches. Richard Chadwick did then reply with very detailed explanations as to how he does his work and what he enjoys focusing on. I found that by seeing his view it allowed myself to understand his work on a more personal level as well as gaining some information which I could then use within my work.

The ‘ inspiration ‘ for the sketches then comes from them being part and parcel of the design stage. All our work as a design practice is within the leisure industry, so all the sketches are of bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels etc. I am pretty much self taught in terms of how I draw – it’s really about finding a style that you are comfortable with. The rudiments of perspective are pretty basic, and at some point I came across markers which are great to draw with, but you need a reasonable selection – I probably have around 200 or so. Coloring up – you can only go from light to dark with markers, and remember you are drawing with light and shade – never just flat colour.

And don’t be too precious – they are only sketches and are only ever seen by three or four people, so if it goes wrong rip it up and start again.

The joy of sketching pen on paper rather than typing away at a keyboard is that it is fast and I can capture the energy – I can probably do two or three good ones a day. I don’t like CAD as the drawings are too sterile and dead, but that’s just personal. I suppose sketching also depends on good hand/eye/brain co-ordination, which again is lost if you are just at the end of a computer programme.


Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 14.33.30I found that the section which spoke about ‘light and shade’ gave me knowledge which will help when it comes to rendering my visual sketches, it has allowed me to realise that I need to build up my colour rather than just going straight in with dark tones, this will help my sketches become more realistic and visually more accurate.

I’m very grateful that Richard took the time to reply to my email and I’ll use his advice within my work from now on, as I slowly begin to develop my own personal style.

2 thoughts on “RICHARD CHADWICK Q&A

  1. May Young says:

    Wonderful initiative writing to Richard Chadwick… fantastic that he took the time to send you such an in-depth response… Very inspirational!


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