Screen Shot 2016-04-27 at 15.38.08For my final project we have been assigned the CoLAB project, which will take place over the next 3 weeks, this project will give myself the chance to work in a flexible and creative way, working with outside professionals. This time will be spent designing and creating an exhibition piece for an outside client which is chosen out of a hat. This project will consist of working within a team to come up with the final outcome from a small brief in which our expert has given us.

After being assigned into a team, consisting of 5 people, one being me and the others from within either level 4 or level 5, this gave myself the chance to get to interact with other year groups and also allow for more ideas to flow. Through debate, discussion and negotiation it is up to us to demonstrate our findings and show case this at the end of the 3 weeks. Within our group we needed to decide who would take on which role,  the roles being…

  • Timekeeper
  • Creator
  • Maker
  • Researcher

This allowed us to either work within our comfort zone or to explore the un known and take on a role which we may or may not be totally comfortable with. For myself I decided to take on the role of being the researcher which I was rather happy with as I enjoy getting to know the insides and outs of a project, this allows me to get to understand our expert in depth, however I will still be helping everyone else design, create and explore.

Our chosen expert was SRSB (Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind) which was very exciting. Now we knew our expert it was time to begin researching further into their charity and find out a little information which would help trigger questions for when we met with our expert Jane Peach later that night.



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