What is Creative Design? Creative design is based around science and how your brain can affect the way in which you work or design. You may have heard the idea of left and right brain, this came about in the late 1960’s, today it is a well-known part of psychology.

Each person has a dominant side of their brain which helps them work in different ways, what is the difference you may be wondering? Well…

  • Left side

The left side of the brain is known to handle organisation and logic, people who are left sided prefer to work with lists and deadlines, love rules and regulations and prefer working with words rather than visuals.

  • Right side

The right side of the brain is better with creativity and depend more on visuals than text. They are more emotional and are influenced by emotions which help stem their creativeness.

Each person thinks differently and has more interest in certain areas, finally understanding the right and left side of the brain is a better way to improve your work and to also have a better understanding of who you are. The path the better creativity lies in science, in this case, psychology.



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