Visiting the SRSB centre gave us the opportunity to see what goes on within their walls, our expert Jane Peach gave us a tour, showing us all the different rooms in which all hold different functions. The centre is very much so designed to benefit people with visual impairments, such as the flooring being white and dark blue which helps the people know where to walk and where the seating areas are, this works by having a contrast between light and dark surfaces.

Everyone in the centre was very friendly and welcoming which made the visit that much more exciting, we got the chance to speak to some of the clients who visit the centre on a weekly basis. One lady, Betsy, spoke to us about how she copes with being near enough fully blind. She explained some techniques which she uses to tell where things are, such as her television, cupboard doors and footstool. Because she can only really see contrast in colour she places a small white sheep on her TV and footstool, this allows her to be able to know where it is helping her not trip over or knock into things. Her kitchen cupboards are white with black tape around the edges helping her to not walk into them if they are open.

Betsy had such a great sense of humour, and didn’t take anything too seriously, even though she is blind she still lives life to the full and enjoys everyday just as much.


As well as talking to Betsy we got the chance to speak to many more clients, some having been there for 17 years to some who have just started going, everyone was so happy and friendly, not minding talking about their sight and very open about anything! It was such a great chance for us to experience meeting new people all with different stories, something we wouldn’t normally do.

Following this visit we are planning on going back once or twice more, hopefully being able to get some paintings done by the clients which will be used for our exhibition.

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