When we were thinking of ways in which we could try and understand the sense of being visually impaired we thought of how sound may affect us, this lead us onto listening to different sound tracks of nature/ man made noises and how we interpreted those without using our sight.

We chose to use paint to express how these noises affected us and how we would express them onto paper, we blindfolded each other and began to paint whilst listening to our chosen track.

We worked with 4 different tracks, consisting of…

  • The Seaside
  • Natural River
  • Rain in the city
  • Construction site 

This experiment allowed us to understand how people who are visually impaired or blind rely on sound as a major thing, it allows for them to get a sense of their surroundings and it became apparent to ourselves that we possibly rely on it more than we would think.

After these experiments we chose to do a group one, we all listened to the same heavy rock music and blind folded each other again, this gave us a chance to create a larger piece of art which showed all our different thoughts.


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