After we had experimented with the paint, we felt it could become another sense, this lead us to focusing on texture and how this can impact the effect of our paintings. To achieve having texture within the paintings we chose to mix our paint into plaster, this then became a thicker substance which allowed us to layer up the colours and create a three-dimentional painting.

Still using the same technique as before we were blind folded again and listened to similar sounds, I personally found that this was a harder task as using a thicker paint became a lot messier and harder to control. However the outcome of these experiments were surprisingly very effective and gave life to the paintings by having texture which you can touch, giving a sense of the painting without having to look at it.

After mixing the paint with plaster we decided to try a different way, our reason for this was because the plaster made the colours go pale and they became less effective. This lead us on to putting plain plaster onto the canvas first, then letting this dry before we put the paint on the top, this let the paint become more vibrant and had a lot more characteristics.


We wanted to use this technique with the visitors at SRSB however we felt this would be too confusing for them and may become too messy, so we choose to stick with just paint.  See the outcome of these on my following blog, CoLAB PROJECT- SRSB VISIT 2, THURSDAY GROUP & VISIT 3, YOUTH GROUP.


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