Opening night, Wednesday 18th May.

The opening night of the exhibition was very very successful, it was so great to see so many friends and family, including our tutors and experts. Seeing all the work which has been produced over the weeks by each group is amazing, the way everyone interacted with the art and everyone around them, it defiantly had a sense of ‘Interplay’.


Our exhibition piece was always full and people were constantly painting, this was so great to see and also gave us a chance to see how they reacted to the sound, everyone painted such different pieces and no one was the same, this showed how everyone envisaged different things. I felt our outcome was very successful and famed out exactly how we wanted.

Jane from SRSB came and she was very happy and impressed with what we had achieved in 3 weeks, I’m so glad we managed to portray the sense of a sensory art piece and I feel we achieved the brief.

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